Farming Event
Karka Kasadara Foundation

Friends, It was a wonderful retreat experience for all of us who were part of "Pannai Sutrula" from team KKF last weekend.. We travelled at least few hours to reach this farm in the outskirts of Chennai very close to our neighbouring state Andhra Pradesh.


It was a wonderful retreat experience for all of us who were part of "Pannai Sutrula" from team KKF last weekend.. We travelled at least few hours to reach this farm in the outskirts of Chennai very close to our neighbouring state Andhra Pradesh. Not only for this farm that we visited but the entire village was plush green with lot of plantations and hatcheries surrounding the farm.....

We had a very warm welcome with Mr Veeraragav guiding us thru the SOP's / Do's and donts during the day... This gentlemen is a entrepreneur by profession and taken up farming as a passion over the past few years

1st half, Session 1 : In his mid 40's, one could sense the immense talent he possesses when he opened up the class room session with a beautiful note of what's farming all about and the need for our generation to thank the farmers followed by a very creative A/V of 5mts on farming and farmers... Kudos for such a creative thought process. Post the session we had a good munching Sundal served to all of us..

Session 2 : We were briefed on ploughing techniques and the traditional way of doing it. We had a hands on session in the fields with every one from our team being made to plough with a farmer by side duly guiding us thru it.. Sensational ploughing experience . I could feel that unlimited edition of happiness in our students and others in the team.. This session ended with more n more energy built up as we had tender coconut direct from the farm waiting for all of us.. Again wats special was the kind of technology Farm Guru uses to give tender coconut .. A simple machine which drills and puts the hole into the coconut gently and a coconut leaf sized to shape in length which is placed on top of the coconut, made to press it tight with your both the thumbs and tilt upside down to put the one end of the leaf to your lips and sip the tender coconut. Else we would always had a plastic straw.

Session 3 : Hands on in the paddy fields on sowing seeds and paddy planting.. followed by segregating paddy crop ... The real farmer in you comes out naturally.

Session 4 : We had this wonderful opportunity to hear from Mr Seshasayee, Founder - Farm Guru share what it took for him to pull out this kind of a concept farming.. 1st half ended with a funny bullock cart ride to reach the other end of the farm for a delicious lip smacking full fledged lunch.

2nd half - Whilst bullock cart ride was arranged to reach the other end of the farm for having lunch, it's was a sizzling tractor ride on our way back after lunch.. brought back lovely memories of my very place were i live today and grew up since childhood.

Session 5 : was a open house below mango trees in a cool shade. Session lecture was given by Mr Seshasayee on various types of farming and irrigation.. The way Mr Sayee engaged the audience was something special..

Session 6 : Was inside green house explaining the process of Mulching both traditional and modern mulching..

Session 7 : Harvesting. We were allowed to do some harvesting in the ladies finger farm. On job training and experience was simply superb.

Session 8 : At the pond explaining how hatcheries water from the pond helps irrigation.. Farm Guru team did some fishing for us and helped our team feel how a big cat fish looks like.

Session 9 : Was again a open house with Mr Sayee on positive thinking and staying strong / innovative. Kids enjoyed this session thoroughly.
Final session was with Mr Veeraragav taking time to thank team KKF for being part of farm guru the whole day and we in turn thanked the entitr farm guru team for their whole hearted stupendous effort and good time spent with team KKF.. I am sure 100% that our Kids and team KKF had the most wonderful day @ "Farm Guru"
As always, my special thanks and wishes to my good friend Thiru Mohan, Tmt Nagamaniammai Mam & Thiru Soma Sir for your relentless support to this cause ..